Toray Cetex® thermoplastic advanced lightweight materials offer outstanding mechanical properties, durability, and strength. Qualified to major aircraft manufacturers' specifications, their unsurpassed performance delivers proven resistance to extreme conditions and environments.
The established choice for high-volume manufacturing, the Toray Cetex® family of thermoplastic composite materials is available in a wide range of fiber/resin combinations and product formats.
Toray Cetex® Product Formats
Enabling technologies to maximize product functionality and minimize production costs.
Why Toray Cetex®?
Processing Methods
Toray Cetex® thermoplastic composite materials are suited to a diverse range of processing methodologies, thus providing design and operational efficiencies.
Processing Guides
Toray Cetex® Engineering Guide for Interiors—Thermoplastic Composites
Toray Cetex® Stamp Forming Processing Guide—Thermoplastic UD Tapes
Toray Guide to Composites—Volume One
Toray Cetex® Data Sheets
UD tapes, prepregs and laminates
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