Press Releases
TenCate Advanced Composites, a Toray Group Company, Receives 2017 Boeing Performance Excellence Award – Silver Level.
1 October 2018This press release was issued as TenCate Advanced Composites, prior to our name change to Toray Advanced Composites in 2019.
The Boeing Company issues the award annually to recognize suppliers who have achieved superior performance.
This year, Boeing recognized 415 of over 13,000 suppliers for either a Gold or Silver level Boeing Performance Excellence Award, representing the top 3% of suppliers. TenCate represents one of only 329 suppliers to receive the Silver Award.
“We are proud to receive this award and it is a testament to the dedication of all our employees and their focus every day on delivering excellence. In 2017, we embarked upon several operational improvement programs including lean manufacturing and capacity additions to better serve our customers and improve our lead times and on-time delivery performance. It is an honor to receive this award validating our operational investments” said Steven Mead, Chief Commercial Officer of TenCate Advanced Composites.
TenCate Advanced Composites
Morgan Hill, CA USA, October 1, 2018